CLTC – Chapter Leadership Training Conference
Price $1700 early bird discount by 2/19/2010 after price goes up to $1800
Beber Camp, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
Session 1: June 15-June 27, 2010
Session 3: June 29-July 11, 2010
Session 5: July 13-July 25, 2010
Session 7: July 27-August 8, 2010
For further information, contact Sherrie Stalarow, sstalarow@bbyo.org, (214) 363-4654
American Hebrew Academy, Greensboro, North Carolina
Session 2: June 22-July 4, 2010
Session 4: July 6-July 18, 2010
Session 6: July 20-August 1, 2010
For further information, contact Ellen Goldstein, egoldstein@bbyo.org, (704) 944-6734
ILTC – International Leadership Training Conference
Perlman Camp, Lake Como, Pennsylvania
June 28-July 13, 2010 Price $2,600
For further information, contact Anita Blustein, ablustein@bbyo.org, (713) 838-7200
Perlman Camp, Lake Como, Pennsylvania
July 14-August 1, 2010 Price $2,500
For further information, contact Jill Pottel, jpottel@bbyo.org, (408) 357-7426
Impact Boston - formally called Project Impact
at Brandeis University
Boston, Massachusetts
June 23-July 4, 2010 Price $1,950
For further information, contact Malki Karkowsky, mkarkowsky@bbyo.org, (617) 581-6804
Newly added Panim:
Impact Southwest
Arizona and New Mexico
Session 1: July 18-July 29, 2010 Price $2,500
Session 2: August 1-August 12, 2010 Price $2,500
For further information, contact Natalie Sukienik, nsukienik@bbyo.org, (202) 857-6509
Impact DC JAM
George Washington University, Washington, DC
June 28-July 11, 2010 Price $2,650
July 13-July 26, 2010 Price $2,650
For further information, contact Natalie Sukienik, nsukienik@bbyo.org, (202) 857-6509
For any registration questions contact Sabrina Moore at smoore@bbyo.org
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