NER bbyo!
We just had an amazing turn out at our Regional Kickoff Dance last month! Over 90 teens attended! We hope that you had a great time.
Now it's time to come to more regional events!

This weekend is our NMO- New Members Overnight, October 22nd-23rd. Please be in touch with our Regional Morim,
Rachael Zeltzer and
Andrew Peddie, for more information.

This weekend is also LTI for Chapter Boards- October 23rd, LTI is our regions Leadership Training Institute. Chapter Boards will learn how to continue their success going forward in the programming year. Please be in touch with our regional presidents,
Codie Magier and
Jordan Krauss, for more information.

And don't forget to sign up for Fall Convention!!!! October 28th-30th!
The theme is BELEIVE IT OR NOT! And Our Regional Board, led by regional s'ganim, Halley Ames and Eli Serota, have a great weekend planned for you!
The rate is now $235.
Click here to sign up!