New England Region is one of the longest-running regions in BBYO history. We are expanding into New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine with 11 chapters established in Massachusetts and Rhode Island and still growing! Check out this blog for up to date information for what is going on in our Region. Our colors are Red and Yellow, and our official mascots are Larry and Celest - the Lobsters - honoring one of New England's natural resources.

Sunday, October 23, 2011
AZA's and BBG's at Chapter LTI!

Monday, October 17, 2011
Starting off the year with a PACKED schedule!

NER bbyo!
Now it's time to come to more regional events!

The theme is BELEIVE IT OR NOT! And Our Regional Board, led by regional s'ganim, Halley Ames and Eli Serota, have a great weekend planned for you!
The rate is now $235. Click here to sign up!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Congratulations to our Spring Convention Co's

Today was our last day at Winter Convention. In traditional fashion the AZAs and BBGs held their business meetings and elections were held for the Spring Convention Coordinator. Congratulations to all who were nominated! It is a huge honor!!!
Drum roll please........

Please stay tuned during this next week for stories about the teens Shabbat experience, Mid-State Address, Our wonderful speakers and the teens favorite programs!
Thanks to Josh Cohen and all of CVR for sharing a great weekend together!
Thanks to our winter convention co's
Halley Ames, Lindsay Goodman, Jordan Harpel, Alex Krauss, Julie Harlam, Jordan Krauss, Rachael Zeltzer, Gabby Rojas, Eli Serota and Rachel Amundson!
And a HUGE THANK YOU to our Amazing Advisors!!!!! We could not have done it with out you:
Friday, January 28, 2011
Welcome to Springfield

Hello to all the lobster watchers out there. As some of you know, a few prominent members of NER BBYO have made their way deep into the heart of Springfield to assist our brothers and sisters from CVR in the setting up of our joint convention (kallah for CVR, Music for us). After bonding on our long car ride, we finally found ourselves in the garage of the Sheraton hotel. We had no inkling of what this monolithic building would be like on the inside. We took the cold elevator out of the significantly colder garage. What happened next was a scene straight out of Willy Wonka, when they enter the magnificent edible room with the chocolate river. The hotel is straight up amazing. Really… its mind blowing. We can’t wait for everyone to get here!
-Alex Mollohan
2011 WC Chair
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
NER in the NEW YEAR!

Hello everyone,
It's time to get this blog rocking and rolling again.
2010 was great for our region but 2011 proves to be even more exciting for NER BBYO!
New England Region's AZA/BBG Winter Convention with Connecticut Valley Region is this weekend, and will be a weekend to remember! There will be incredible programs based on the convention theme of music and amazing speakers, like the former Neo-Nazi who will share his story. There will also be great prizes and contests for all!
We will be having teens blog over the weekend to share their experience with all of you!