Monday, September 20, 2010


This summer I attended ILTC (International Leadership Training Conference). I met so many different leaders, not only from across the country, but two from Bulgaria as well! At ILTC we participated in different programs each day that focused specific topics that would help us in our regions at home. For example, we had programs on the StandUp initiative, membership, calendaring and many others. We would start each day as a group and would have a speaker or slide show about the topic the day.

When we first arrived, we were split up into mock regions. We picked our name, number, color, mascot etc. Not only did we learn about how a successful region is run, and the various aspects that go into it, Each region had to plan a program for the rest of the camp as well. This enabled us to work closely with the people in our mock region and plan activities that we could bring home to our own regions.

At ILTC we also had Israeli dance, singing, and were able to choose different electives every day. Some of the electives were educational, for example: conflict resolution or how to improve your speeches. Others were more relaxed like meditation or yoga.

At night during the first week we had different speakers come to the camp and for the second week we had the programs all the mock chapters created.

After going to ILTC, not only did I learn skills and various activities to bring home and help improve my Region, I made great friends that I can’t wait to see at International Convention in February.

Lexi Knopf